Tuesday 27 January 2009

High School Musical

Something new

High School Musical would not have been one of my natural choices for a theme but hey it’s popular and most like it. It contains good moral themes of which two run through this programme, being yourself in Christ and the importance of being a friend. This popular medium allows you to stretch the ideas of popularity to the extent in which you have expose them for what they are, empty and vain. Only following Jesus brings satisfaction not being popular or having the current moves or fashion.

Memory Verse: Psalm 51; 10, 11
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.”

Lesson 1 : “Who are You on an Ordinary Day?”
‘Isaac and Rebekah’ Genesis 24
‘The start of something new!’

Anyone can primp or get to looking good but what’s your attitude on an ordinary day?
If people saw you on an ordinary day, would they be impressed?
Does the spirit of Christ shine through you?

Troy and Gabriella just saw each other as a Jock and a Geek not really looking further than what they could see but when placed in a situation where they could saw beyond their preconceptions they saw something new. It wasn’t a special day. It wasn’t met with great fanfare. Instead it was an ordinary trip to the well on an ordinary day. But on this particular day, young Rebekah so impressed Abraham’s servant, the man sent to find a suitable mate for Isaac. What maybe impressed Abraham’s servant - was Rebekah spirit of servant hood. Like most young girls, she took at least two trips to the well, one in the morning and one in the evening. It was a routine she’d carried out thousands of times. On this particular day, she was probably tired from a long day’s work. She probably wasn’t in a very talkative mood. She was probably hoping to get her pot filled and get it home. But there was something different about Rebekah. She had the heart of a servant. Her eyes reached beyond her own circumstances and saw the needs of others. With aching arms, she lowered that bucket into the well several times, filled her pot, and fed the thirsty camels of Abraham’s servant. Anyone can primp or get to looking mighty fine for a first date. Anyone can put on his or her best behaviour for a someone special. Anyone can freshen up for an important interview. But what about those chance encounters when you’re caught off guard? If people saw you on an ordinary day, would they be impressed? Would they see something different about you? I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten pretty good at impressing the “important people” in my life. But who am I on an ordinary day at school? In the playground? At home? In the car? Does the spirit of Christ shine through me? Can people see something different? Something attractive? It is in these routines of life where we are most tested. This is where God comes to us with opportunity for growth. Rebekah was ready. Are you?

Object Lesson—Light and Torch. Ask them, have you ever sat outside on a bright sunny day and used a mirror to reflect the sun’s light? Get one of them to take the light and shine it on you to show what you mean. Explain, you see, as the light shines on me, I hold up my mirror and I can reflect the light to shine on you. I am not the light, I am just letting my mirror reflect the light to shine on you. If I am going to reflect the light on you, there are a couple of things that are very important, I must keep my mirror facing toward the light. If I turn away from the light, I cannot reflect the light. I must make sure that nothing comes between the light and me. If that happens, I cannot reflect the light. The Bible tells us that "There was a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light: he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world." Who do you think the true light is that the Bible said was coming into the world? That is right! It was Jesus. Jesus is the light of the world. You and I need to be like John. The Bible says that we are to let our light shine, but we need to remember that "Our Light" is Jesus. We are not the light, we are just mirrors that reflect His light. If we are going to reflect the light of Jesus, we must remember a couple of things, we must keep our faces turned toward Jesus, We must not let anything come between us and Jesus. When we remember those two things, we will reflect His light to the entire world.

Lesson 2: “Distraction or Attraction”
‘David and Bathsheba’ 2 Samuel 11, 12
‘Get cha Head In The Game’

When we neglect to do the small things, we can easily fall into temptation.
Laziness allows temptation to grow strong in our lives.
The way of temptation is down-hill; when we begin to do bad, it becomes hard to stop.

Troy is an ace basketball player, he is the star player always got his head in the game, when he shoots it goes in the hoop. But, he’s met a girl Gabriella, he finds it hard to concentrate, the game is suffering. What should he do, concentrate on the game or spend time day dreaming about this beautiful girl. The bible story speaks powerfully about integrity and integrity lost. The righteous judgment of God and repentance of King David are powerfully seen. The story centre’s around David’s sin with Bathsheba, but reveals the dedication and honour of Uriah, (Bathsheba’s husband). Uriah, though when faced with a very hard decision, he does the right thing. It also reveals the judgment of God through his prophet, Nathan toward David and then the mercy of God through David’s repentance. God not only forgave David, but restored him and fulfilled a prophecy spoken by Nathan that it would be one of David’s sons that God would use to build the temple. We’ve come to know that son as Solomon, which was born of David and Bathsheba. The fifty-first Psalm is written as a result of David’s repentance of that sin, David says “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.” Even after failure the Lord can still restore, heal and forgive us so our bones can dance again. It brings Old Testament characters to the New Testament. Jesus cried from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?", but it was David who penned it in the old testament. Jesus was quoting David from the cross. This mix of old and new brings Calvary into new light as David is translated to the foot of the cross. Bathsheba lost her son because of David trying to hide the sin from God and God the Father lost his Son at Calvary for all people’s sin.

Object Lesson—A bowl of sweets. Tell this story; There was a bowl of sweets like this one sitting on the coffee table in the living room of Mary's house. Mary's mother noticed that she was looking at the sweets and said, "Now, don't you eat any sweets until after dinner or you will spoil your appetite." The sweets looked so good and the temptation was so great. "Surely just one little piece won't hurt -- and mother will never know the difference," Mary thought to herself. Have any of you ever had an experience like that? Here is another story which might sound familiar. "Put away your books and take out one sheet of paper and a pencil," the teacher said. "We are going to take our weekly spelling test." Johnny had an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew that they were going to have a spelling test today, but he watched TV last night instead of studying for the spelling test and he wasn't ready for the test. As the test began, Johnny looked around the room and realized that he had a clear view of Sally's paper. "It won't hurt if I look at Sally's paper just this once," Johnny thought to himself. "I promise -- I'll never do it again and nobody will ever know." All of us have faced temptations such as these, haven't we? Take a sweet from this bowl. I am not going to tell you not to eat it until after the club, but as you eat it, I want you to think about what we have learned in our Bible lesson today.

Lesson 3: “Keep your Spirit Level”
‘Ahab and Jezebel’ 1 Kings 21
‘Bop To The Top’

Try to be content with what you’ve got.
Commit your life to God and He will ensure you get all you need.
Saying sorry only with your lips means nothing, sorry must be said from the heart

Sharpay and Ryan are very ambitious and see themselves as being the only ones who can be lead in the play, but when Troy and Gabriella show competition they do all they can to make sure they cannot perform in the auditions. Jezebel was a woman who was married to a wimpy king named Ahab who hated the prophets of God and had them murdered. If anyone got in her way or the way of her husband, she just had them murdered. As we see in the story, for Jezebel killing someone was not a problem, if it would get her way. But who did God hold responsible? The rebuke of the Lord came to Ahab before it came to his wife, even though the idea, and the carrying out of the idea, came from Jezebel herself. Not only does God look at the person who does wrong but also the person who doesn’t stop the wrong doing. There is a Jezebel spirit that needs to be resisted and fought, but we must look at Ahab’s spirit as well. The spirit of Jezebel - one who does whatever it takes to get what she wants can creep up on us all firstly in small things, but we see that it is the Ahab spirit who allows it to happen this is just as wrong. There are two types of people who are affected, first are those who get in the way and the second are those who are lead by the wrong example into believing that what is wrong is right. Some people can be so overwhelmed that they are incapable of making a quality decision without fear. When a person is following Jesus, the Holy Spirit’s seed is at work to grow and manifest His fruit. When you are transformed by the renewing of your mind, you can act on what you know is right and live in the freedom of love that Christ has for all of us.

Object Lesson - A windsock. (Or a picture) How many of you know what this is? It is a windsock. A windsock is a type of kite. The windsock was invented many years ago in Japan and was flown on "Boys Day." The family would hang one windsock for each son in the family on the end of a pole outside of their house and let it blow in the wind. Where else would you possibly see a windsock? You may have seen a windsock at an airport. Windsocks are used at airports to show which way the wind is blowing to help pilots to take off and land safely. Windsocks are also used to help predict the weather and they are also used to help guide to Space Shuttle pilots to a safe landing upon their return from space. No one can see the wind, but we know the wind is there because the windsock shows us that it is there. The wind is very important to us. What are some of the ways that the wind helps us? It helps to cool us off when we get too hot. It helps to clean the air we breathe of smoke and smog. It can be converted to electrical power to light our homes. God's Holy Spirit is somewhat like the wind. We can't see him, but we know that he is there because we can see the effects of his power in our lives. The Holy Spirit is very important to us. What are some of the ways that the Holy Spirit helps us? He comforts us when we are sad and alone. He guides us in the way of truth. He helps us when we don't know how to pray. He lives inside us and gives us life. He shows us the good things God has for us. We are thankful for all of the ways that the wind helps us, but we are even more thankful for all of the ways the Holy Spirit helps us every day. You might say, "He is the wind in your socks!"

Lesson 4: “Against the Odds” ‘Mary and Joseph’ Matthew 1:18-25‘Breaking Free’

It’s important to dream, and tell God your dreams.
Are you willing to give up your dreams for God’s.
Don’t let others put you down or put you off from pursuing your dreams.

Troy and Gabriella had dreams of being a basketball player and scientist but this was what everyone expected them to be, their heart dream was to be singers. Even after Sharpey and Ryan’s attempts to sabotage their dream they push on and reach for their dream. Today’s bible story is about one whopper of a dream—the dream of Joseph. Not Mary's dream, but Joseph's dream. In Matthew's gospel, the angel appears to Joseph, it doesn’t mention Mary. And of all the great men and women of faith in the Bible, one of my favourite heroes is Joseph. Joseph is a real man’s man, a practical man—a real “salt of the earth” kind of guy, not prone to fantasies and day dreaming so if you have trouble swallowing the idea of the virgin birth, try putting yourself in his shoes! An honourable and decent man. You’re overjoyed in having found a young woman with an excellent reputation, someone who will be a good wife. Already engaged, you’re looking forward to the wedding, when BANG!! Here comes Mary. You see her lovely face and know at once that something is wrong. You ask her what’s bothering her. She replies, “Please don’t be upset...I’m pregnant. But guess what—I haven’t been unfaithful to you. This is what happened to me...” She proceeds to tell the story we all know, he’s thinking, “As if being unfaithful to me isn’t bad enough, my wife-to-be apparently has lost her mind!” For you know beyond a shadow of doubt that this child of Mary’s is not yours. Marriage is suddenly impossible. Despite all this, Joseph wants to protect Mary. Thus with his mind made up on how best to handle the situation, he goes to bed to get a good night’s sleep; he has a dream! We know what the angel tells him. So, going against everything that the practical side of his brain is telling him to do, Joseph decides to go with his dream. Before he acted, he rested and God was able to communicate with him, and so it is with us. What have you been dreaming about lately? Joseph and Mary had lots of plans, people getting married often do, but they were willing to give up all their dreams to do what God wished not their desires and dreams but His. We need to dream and God will help us fulfil our dreams but we need to be willing to follow God’s dreams as He has so much to give us, never underestimate the power of your or God’s dream.

Object Lesson—A picture of Martin Luther King, (or the video footage of the speech) Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.? Dr. King was a black preacher and civil rights leader who not only believed we needed to change the way people of different races were treated, but also insisted that we needed to solve these problems peacefully. Dr. King worked very hard to bring about changes that would ensure that people of every race would be treated equally. Dr. King was a wonderful speaker and many of his speeches are still remembered and quoted today. One of Dr. King's most famous speeches was called, "I Have a Dream." In this speech he said he had a dream that all people, regardless of race or religion, would live peacefully together and that we would be free of hatred and racial prejudice. The speech ended with these stirring words: "When we let freedom ring, … we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, ... will be able to join hands and sing 'Free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!' That was the dream of Dr. King, that all men would be free. All of us want to be free, don't we? One day Jesus was talking to a group of people and he said, "Everyone who sins is a slave to sin. A slave has no place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." If we put our trust in Jesus, he will free us from our sin.

Lesson 5: “Life’s a Journey” ‘Abram and Sarai’ Genesis 12
‘We’re All In This Together’

The best way is to work together for the best future.
Life is a journey, journey’s are best when travelling with friends.
God has given us clear instructions in the Bible, not always easy ones but clear ones.

It’s the end of movie one and they are all looking forward to whatever the future holds, they all realise that the best way is to work together for the best future. YOU'RE TAKING A JOURNEY. Yet once you get on board the craft that will carry you on this marvellous, exciting trip, you discover that you don't know where you're going. You don't know why you're going, and you don't know what you'll do once you get there. Sounds rather absurd doesn't it? That’s exactly what Abram and Sarai had to do. Abram didn't know exactly what God had in mind, but he did know that anything God told him to do would be for Abram's own good. So Abram, acting on faith, prepared to leave Haran. Moving was no easy task, for Abram had many personal possessions and then there were the large flocks of sheep and cattle that needed to be driven across country. Lot, who was going to come with Sarai and Abram, also had animals that needed to be taken care of. With hired shepherds and herdsmen to help them, Abram and Sarai, along with their nephew, Lot, travelled to the land of Canaan. Yet all of us are on a journey and few indeed know where we're going, why we're on our way, or what we'll be doing once we reach our final destination. We were all placed, at birth, aboard the same space craft, planet earth. Our lives are our journey. Why are we on board? Where are we going and why? If we study the Bible, we'll discover that God laid out a path for us to follow as we journey through this physical existence. It helps us to understand WHY God created us. Before we can travel on the path that has been laid out for us, we need to know HOW to read the map God has provided, the Bible.

Object Lesson - Days or our life.
Get a photo or several photos of exciting events in your life such as the birth of a child, your wedding day, or your graduation day. Talk about the events, about how they were the happiest days of your life. Talk about how good it would be if that day had never ended? But, that day was not a stopping place, it was a starting place. It was the start of a wonderful journey. There would be many happy days to come. Have you ever had a day that was so wonderful that you wanted it to last forever? I am sure you probably have. God sends a lot of happy days into our life. The day that we meet Jesus is, without a doubt, the happiest day of our life, but it isn't a stopping place -- it is a starting point for a journey that leads to eternal life in heaven with Him.

Lesson 6: “Celebrate Love”
Stories of Jesus ‘What Time Is It?’

To understand what unconditional love is.
The best way to celebrate love is to give help.
You are complete in God’s love.

Schools finished, no more work, no more exams , no more teachers only warm sunny days and holidays, getting friends and having fun, as you might expect the High School Musiclers start their summer with a song. You will have to work a little harder in this one and choose some stories about Jesus and how He showed His love, I know the first story you think of is the crucifixion but try to think of some less obvious ones. We long to celebrate love because we feel that in many ways love completes us. But what is it about love that does this? The kind of love that fulfils us is unconditional love, called "Agape". It is the True Love with which God loves us, and with which God asks us to love each other. True love is not romantic love, though God intended for romance to be carried out within the context of True Love (Agape). True Love, the kind of love we should be celebrating, is about giving rather than getting. We are most complete when we have accepted God's love for us and are in turn conduits of God's love to others. We are most fulfilled when we are pouring out to others what God has poured into us, not when we are demanding or expecting or even just simply wishing for human love. Consider these words of God: "I have loved you with an everlasting love." "I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you." "You will be called Sought After." "You are precious and honoured in my sight." "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." Do these words which describe the love God has for us inspire you to celebrate? The best way to celebrate His love is to turn around and give it to someone else. There are many who are longing for True Love, for unconditional love, and we can have the privilege of multiplying love many times over. This kind of love is not exclusive between two people, but can be shared freely, not with just one but with many! It is true that there is something wonderful about romantic love; none of us can deny that. However, hard as it may be to believe, Agape is the better of the two and is not limited just to those who are "in love". I challenge you, and myself, to acquire God's perspective of which kind of love is the most valuable, to realize that this most valuable love is available to everyone, and to spend this summer celebrating Agape, that love with which God loves us so completely, and with which we find so much fulfilment in giving to others. You are already complete in the arms of True Love! Take time to celebrate!

Object Lesson - The Sunday paper; The Sunday paper sure is big! I'm sure many of you have a Sunday paper delivered to your house. There is so much to read. People have a favourite part of the newspaper? Comics? Sports? Ads? Newspapers are important, because they help us know what is going on in our town, in our state, in our country -- even in other parts of the world. You can be a better citizen when you know what is happening, and the newspaper helps us keep up. As Christians, it is also important for us to keep up with God's will for our lives. And He has given us a wonderful source of all the most important news: the Bible. In the Bible, God shows us how much He loves us, and how we can live to receive the most joy out of life. When you read the Bible, it's as if God wrote it just for you! So the next time you see a newspaper, remember that the greatest news of all is found in the Bible -- the news that God loves you. He loves you unconditionally without ant bars, no matter what you do He will always want to be your friend. Respond to His love by trying to follow Him as best as you can, become His friend today.

Lesson 7: “Best Friends”
‘Adam and Eve’ Genesis 1: 24 - 31, 2: 4 - 23
‘You Are the Music in Me’

Friendship is one of the most important things in life.
God gave us each other to help each other.
Jesus will always be your best friend.

Kelsi, Troy and Gabriella friend, is inspired by their relationship, so writes a ballad for Troy and Gabriella, and Troy agrees to sing with his friends in the upcoming talent show. Sharpay tries to get Troy to perform with her in the show, what should he do sing with Sharpay or his friend Gabriella. On the sixth day God made all the animals for the land, and of course He made a man, ‘and he can be just like me’, He thought. He made the most beautiful garden which He called the Garden of Eden, it had wonderful trees, and flowers. It even had lots of birds and animals in it, whatever your favourite animal is, it was there. God put the man He had made into the garden. The man probably rubbed his eyes and looked all round. God said to him, ‘Now listen, Adam you can eat the fruit, climb the trees, paddle in the rivers and jump over the bushes, but there’s one thing you must never do. You must never eat the apples from the big tree in the middle of the garden because that tree tells you what is good and what is bad.’ Adam said, ‘What’s bad?’ ‘Never mind,’ said God, ‘you go and have a nice time, and forget about that tree.’ God came quite often to see how Adam was getting on, and soon he realised Adam was lonely. God thought, ‘He hasn’t got any friends, no one to talk to, He will become unhappy soon.’ So one night, when Adam was asleep, God made a woman to be a friend for him. He called her Eve. Adam and Eve got on very well together. They used to play with the animals, and eat lots of fruit from all the trees. Except one - the forbidden tree - well for a little while cause they did touch it eventually we all know this and he turned them out of the garden of Eden and said they must look after themselves. But that’s not the part of the story we are concentrating but the part about friendship, you see we have got it all mixed up, when we think of boys and girls we think of ‘kissy, kissy’ but God did not make Eve to just be Adam’s girlfriend and wife but to be his friend. Friendship is one of the most important things to God, the best way we can show people what God wants is to be friends and the most important thing to God is to be friends with Him, Jesus. If you want to have a happy life there should be nothing more important to you than being the best friend you can be, once you’re able to do that everything else in life will fall into place, especially if your best friend is Jesus.

Object Lesson - A package of cookies. A few weeks ago, my wife (or whoever) came home and told me about some new cookies she had eaten. "They were called Chocolate Cream Oreos" she said. "Were they good?" I asked her. "Good? They were delicious. They were so good I wanted you to try one. Here, just taste and see how good they are," she said as she offered me a cookie. Mmmm, Mmmm! They were good! They were so good that I couldn't wait to tell you about them. In fact, I wanted to share some with you. I have a whole package of them so that you can taste them and see how good they are. (Pass out some of the cookies for the children to try.) Don't you agree that those are really good cookies? That is why my wife couldn't wait to share them with me and I couldn't wait to share them with you. Have you ever found something so good that you couldn't wait to share it with a friend? When we find a really good cookie, we can't wait to tell a friend about it. Shouldn't we be even more anxious to tell our friends about Jesus?

Lesson 8: “The trouble with friends”
“Children of Isaac and Rebekah” Genesis 25: 19-34
‘I Don't Dance’

God turns trouble into Good.
God’s plan should not be doubted.
God’s plan is to end all conflict

After a visit from a local college basketball team, this causes a fight between Troy and Chad when Troy chooses to spend time with them, instead of his friends. Ryan also realises that he no longer means much to Sharpay anymore. Taylor and Gabriella invite Ryan to the baseball game, and Chad offers him Troy's place in the game. This helps old enemies to become new friends, later Chad forgives Troy for his absence and they become friends again. So, for the last lesson let’s go back to the first lesson. The marriage of Isaac and Rebekah was arranged by Isaac's father Abraham but it was actually the Lord's choice however, a factor that both Isaac and Rebekah realized and accepted when they met. There may have been a substantial age difference between Isaac and Rebekah; "Isaac was forty years old when he took to wife Rebekah," while Rebekah "the maiden" may have been only young. When Isaac and Rebekah did not have children after some time, "Isaac prayed to The Lord for his wife, because she was barren" - not the first time that was a problem in that family. Isaac's mother Sarah was also "barren" until The Lord made it possible for her to have a child, while Rebekah "was barren" until The Lord also made it possible for her to have a child. Although the prayer was answered, it soon became evident to their mother that Jacob and Esau had a natural inclination for a lifelong struggle. Jacob's later name change to "Israel" was based, in part, upon that very conflict. Isaac and Rebekah were maybe meant to be together but even things that were meant to be can cause conflict, even the best of friends, never mind brothers and sister’s can fight and boy did Jacob and Esau fight they were completely different in every way. But it was The Lord's will that Jacob would prevail, not because he was His favourite, but because out of Jacob, Israel, the Messiah, Jesus would come to save the world, to end all conflict. So, never doubt God’s plan for you, when times are good and everything seems perfect it’s easy to have faith in Jesus but times will get tough, people will bring conflict and maybe you will bring conflict into others lives but keep having faith, God has a plan and it’s one to bless you not to harm you, keep fighting for Him not against Him.

Object Lesson - A Stress Buster. Hold a squeezable "stress reliever". Can anyone tell me what this is? As you can see, it is small and round and fits into my hand in such a way that I can squeeze it with my fist. Many people carry one like this in their pocket. They call it a "stress buster." Whenever they are troubled about something, they just reach into their pocket and squeeze the stress buster. They believe that squeezing it helps relieve stress and gives them a peaceful feeling and helps them to quit worrying about their troubles. I don't carry one in my pocket. That doesn't mean that I never have any trouble in my life, it is just that I don't find that squeezing the ball keeps me from worrying about the troubles in my life. Why do troubles come into our life? I believe that troubles come for the very reason that Jesus said -- so that God's name will be glorified. I have known people who followed the example of Jesus when they faced trouble in their life. I have even known people who faced death with such courage and faith that God's name was glorified. Wouldn't it be pleasing to God if all of us faced trouble in such a way that His name is glorified?

Happy Feet

Let all Creation Praise the Lord

I first saw Happy Feet at the cinema with our children’s club, it was a Christmas treat instead of a party. The kids all loved it as did I. Immediately I saw it’s potential with so many themes of standing out from the crowd, never giving up and being the person you are despite whatever pressure you are placed under.
May this set of lessons realise your children into a wonderful world of praise in your club, in your churches but most importantly in their everyday lives.

Memory Verse, Psalm 33:1 
Sing for joy in the Lord, you who are right with Him.
It is right for the pure in heart to praise Him

Lesson 1: “Adorned to Praise” ‘David dances’ (2 Samuel 6 )
Play clip 5 ‘ Mrs Arstrakhan can’ (3:10)

Happy is the person who has Jesus as their friend.
Praise should be offered as a sacrifice.
Those that honour God, He will honour.
Some will make fun, but we should never be ashamed.

Mumble is taken to Mrs Astrakhan because he can’t sing. When encouraged to search deep to find his heart song he starts to tap dance and his dance is amazing, full of passion. But it just isn’t penguin, so he is seen as a failure set to be excluded from everyone else because his heart song is different from
everyone else. This doesn't stop him and with the encouragement from his mother he develops his heart song. God is present when we worship God outwardly. We must learn to act and speak highly of God in everything we do; and to think and speak and act with honour is Worship. Jesus is our Ark; in and by him God shows his favour, and accepts our prayers and praises. In the same way as Michal was offended by the praise of David others may be offended by our praise, but this should not stop us. David praised God with expressions of joy, we ought to do the same and serve God with our whole body and soul. This is our heart song giving God the praise he deserves no matter what others may think or say. Praise God as you know you should in every way you can and with all you heart, body, mind and soul. David was the King of Israel and had lots to lose put he gave his all dancing and singing and not caring what the whole country thought, he did it in thanks to God for all His wonders but mostly because of His great forgiveness, by this time David had done many bad things and needed to know that God forgave him, with a heart like David’s God could do nothing else, have a heart song like David’s, free and ready to serve no matter the cost.

Object Lesson - Garments of Praise
You will need two robes one plain and one fancy, they can be housecoats or jackets or capes. Use your imagination. Choose one child, play a praise song and get them to praise God excitedly whilst wearing the plain robe, once they get started then stop them and the music putting on the fancy robe, explain that when we Praise God he clothes us with a garment of praise, explain what that means, He makes us right in His eyes which means we can enter His presence without fear but with joy and love.

Lesson 2 “Permitted to Praise” ‘Ethan’ (1 Chronicles 15)
Clip 9 ‘Graduation Concert’ (2:53)

It’s easy in our busy life to forget God and forget to praise Him.
Praise should be consistent in everything we do.
When we praise God it’s not about us it’s about Him.
Even in our talents we must realise that they are given by God and He must be praised for this.

Gloria is centre of attraction and rightly so, she has a fantastic talent but
Mumble isn’t able to join in as he pleases and no one notices his talent because it’s weird, not penguin. He has faithfully attended school all through his chick hood he is entitled to rejoice as well. When all the attention fell on David with his dance Ethan could have felt, hey, no-one is noticing me and lets face it he hardly gets a mention in the Bible but he praises God with all his heart he is rejoicing that he has been chosen to worship so does it to the best of his ability. David ordered the chief of the Levites to nominate those that they knew to be best at leading worship. Ethan, was first appointed to play with loud symbols. He was appointed because of his talent but also because of his faithfulness in service to the temple, his enthusiasm for praising God. We need to see that God helps us in everything we do and gives us supernatural ability to live a life of worship as He requires. Everything we do must be done in light of this dependence on God.

Object Lesson - Ordained Praise
Have a hymn book, a shaker and choose two kids, you keep the hymn book give one kid the shaker. First you sing operatic style as if from the hymn book, only for a minute, then get the first kid to shake the shaker whilst you sing
operatic, again for a minute, finally, you singing, shaker shaking and second kid shouting ‘Praise Jesus’ as loud as they can. Then make the point that it
doesn’t matter how you praise as long as it’s with your whole heart. Jesus said “ From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise?” What is this "ordained praise" stuff? There are a couple of definitions for ordain. Made holy, decreed by God, that kind of thing. When you are in church you need to sing, praise, and worship like the adults do. God expects you to. Your praise for him is special. Feel foolish? Practice at home. I do it. Take what I call a "praise break." Take 10 seconds and scream to the top of your lungs stuff like "I love you Jesus!", or just sing some of the songs you hear at the club. After you get used to it, it's fun! You'll enjoy it and God loves it!

Lesson 3 “Empowered to Praise” ‘Jehosophat’ (2 Chronicles 20)
Clip 11 ‘Meet the Amigos’ (2;48).

In all things, public or personal, our first thought should be to seek help from God.
God will make those who praise him more than a conqueror.
Praise inspires courage; it will help strengthen the heart to make right decision in our lives.
Praise protects us from harm.

Mumble was feeling alone and unappreciated until he met the amigos. They recognised his talent and gave it honour, he could have submitted to the pressure back home and just did what was ‘normal’ but he didn’t and now his talent was admired and even envied by others. From the first we must trust only in his mercy and power. Jehoshaphat recognised God’s power, if we use what we have for God, we have a sure and certain hope he will make all things possible that are best for us at that time. We have no strength without Him, Jehoshaphat kind of forgot this when he choose to become friends with an evil king because he thought he could help him, this was a mistake because no matter how big his army was or how big his friends were it’s God who makes us strong, thankfully he realised his mistake in time. Jehoshaphat encouraged his troops to have faith in God. Jehoshaphat worshipped, and did what he could to keep the people close to it. Let us praise God, who searched for us, and keeps us from harm.

Object Lesson - Shield of Praise
Have three shields which can be bought or made or if desperate use trays. Give one to each child and get them to stand next to each other showing that not only does the shield protect them but it protects the person next to them as well. Get one kid to lower their shield and show that not only does it leave them unprotected but leaves the person next to them unprotected as well. It’s really important that we praise God individually but we must also do it as a group as well. When we meet together in church, in Sunday school or at the club we must praise God with everyone else, when you don’t your letting your shield down, singing songs is fun but we do it to praise God, we do it to strengthen and encourage ourselves and others. Others can help you in your time of need but it’s God who gives us strength for everyday living.

Lesson 4 “Restored to Praise” ‘King Nebuchanezzar’ (Daniel 4)
Clip 14 & 15 ‘My Way’, ‘Boogie Wonderland’

We should always be telling people about the wonders of God.
Whatever happens to us, good or bad, we should bear it patiently.
When we call to Him in time of trouble, He will hear us.

With the help of his friends he returns to win his love, Gloria, but he doesn’t use his heart song so it doesn’t work and he is quickly discovered. When he does use his heart song he wins her heart. When we try to be what we’re not it goes so wrong, when we don’t use our talents for God we deny Him and hurt His feelings. The beginning and end of this chapter lead us to hope, Nebuchadnezzar was an example of denying the power of God. After he was recovered from his madness, he told everyone how God had humbled and then restored him. We must look for God’s blessings which can never be taken from us, and beware of becoming proud and forgetting Him. We must never let others influence us in ways we know God does not want us to go, we must use our talents as God has chosen and choose to say no when we know it is wrong. When we walk in Worship we walk under protection, when we walk as we think, in pride, we cannot be as certain of that protection. God will never leave us or forsake us, but if we go into dangerous places without His asking we could get hurt, No, we must stay in His courts of praise, there we are safe.

Object Lesson - Arm in a sling
Have a child come up and put their arm in a sling then stand there while you give the rest of the object lesson. Ask what would happen to their arm if you left it in this sling and didn’t use it for a year. Listen to all comments. Jesus will ask you to do many things, asking you to serve in various capacities. You may feel you do not have the ability but we must respond positively with thanksgiving and praise, your faith will strengthen and increase. Praise is like the muscle of my arm. If I use it, if I nurture it, it grows strong; it will do many things. But if I put it in a sling, and do nothing with it, it will grow weak and useless and so it will be with you. If you accept every opportunity that Jesus asks then He will make it possible for you to perform it. But as we move into God’s service we must also beware we do not become big headed and remember we only do these things as Jesus gives us the strength.

Lesson 5 “Created to Praise” ‘Job’
(Whole story but especially 40 & 41)
Clip 22 ‘To a World Unknown’

We praise Him because we are part of His great creation.
Others will give you advice but not all advice is good, stick with what you know is good.
When we truly praise we see the Glory of Jesus and that makes us praise all the more.
We are part of a higher calling, we have a destiny to fulfil in God.

Mumble, Lovelace and the Amigos have travelled a long journey, tiring journey going through many trials and it looks like they have come to the end of the road, they have tried their best and it hasn’t been good enough. Should they go home, not Mumble, he has always known his calling was big he has always known he would have to do great things, even if it meant diving into danger and fighting unknown trials. He had a cause and nothing and no-one was going to stop him. Sometimes we realise how small we are in the whole scheme of things, praising Him lets us see how big we are in Him and how big a job He has given us. Others will try to convince you that you can’t make a difference, you can try but it’s just like a raindrop in the sea. God asks Job; ‘Shall he that questions God also tell Him what to do?’ Who are we to understand all that God does we must not give in when others discourage us or tell us we have done enough. Job gives in to God. He realises that he has nothing except praise to God for His marvellous wonders. When we see this glory revealed in Jesus Christ, we shall be humbled without being terrified; and this can only be done through Worship from the heart. It is not for us to teach Him how to run the world, only to praise and follow no matter where that leads us.

Object Lesson - Two Scissors
You need 2 pair of scissors for this lesson. One should be dull and maybe toddler type scissors that would only cut paper. The other should be fabric scissors. Also have a piece of heavy duty fabric - like canvas. Explain both of these are tools for cutting. Have someone demonstrate how nearly impossible it is to cut a piece of fabric with the first pair, but how easily the other scissors cuts through the fabric. All people have the capacity to be instruments for God. The toddler scissors are able to cut paper and that’s maybe all God wants you to be at the moment but as you continue to serve God and praise Him you will sharpen and become a very specific kind of instrument. You are chosen and special. Know that God has a special plan and place for you and as you live a life of worship it will all become clear, in time.

Lesson 6 “Pause to Praise” ‘Jail cell’ (Acts 16: 16-40)
Clip 23 ‘Penguin Heaven’ (5:00)

Gods rewards even in hard times are neither few nor small.
There is no place, no time when praise is wrong.
When the fruits of worship begin to appear, fear will be followed by confidence and joy in God.

Mumble wakes up and appears to be in paradise but he quickly realises that he is not but is rather in a jail. He tries to tell them of his mission but they don’t understand, how like that is in our mission, when we tell people about Jesus, you would think we were talking in another language. Mumble comes almost to his end but in a vision he is inspired to go on and talks to them in the only way he knows how, this time they listen. Only by being persistent will we see the fruits of our worship not pushy just being who you are. A worshipper. Paul and Silas did not let this or any other hardship stop them worshipping! As in the dark, so out of our depths, no trouble should stop us from praising. Paul cried loud enough to make the jailer hear, saying, ‘Do not harm yourself.’ The jailer is rightly concerned about his salvation, Paul says believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, and all your house. He treated them with kindness, this is also worship, just as much as singing or dancing and playing an instrument. His generosity was his way of praising God, helping those whom he had previously harmed and in the same way Paul and Silas show kindness to him by forgiving and revealing Jesus to him, when proper apology is made, Christians should never express personal anger, nor insist too strictly upon punishment. Jesus will make them more than conquerors in every fight; they will become comforters of others.

Object Lesson - High Jump
Have three kids stand beside you, the goal, jumping as high as they can. First time, no one can bend their knees before they jump - not even a little! Next have them bend their knees just a little bit and jump again and notice how much higher they can jump, then finally allow the children to jump as high as they possibly can and bend as much as they desire. Point out to them that the only way to reach and jump high is to bend low first. Showing kindness when it is not deserved, praising God even in hard times will lift you up so high you might get dizzy, so high you might need a parachute to get back down.

Lesson 7 “Freed to Praise” ‘Blind Bartemaeus’ (Mark 10: 46-52)
Clip 24 & 25 ‘Crowd Pleaser’(3:26) 'Return to Emperor Land’(2:08)

Praise opens our eyes to what can be done in Jesus.
We should not become lazy in our worship or we will become blind to His will for us.
It is not enough to come before God just when we are in trouble or need encouragement it must be all the time.

Mumble realises he has to do what he came to do, they don’t understand penguin and he never ever was much penguin, so he uses the talent he has been given. And people listen, he was freed because of his gift, not only that, he returns to bring the news, even when he gets the same abuse and ridicule as before, he has saw the truth and he will not be silent. Praise opens our eyes to the glory of Jesus and when we truly see the truth we will not be silenced. Bartimeus had heard of Jesus and his miracles, and learning that he was passing by, hoped to recover his eyesight. In coming to Christ for help and healing, he not only gained his sight but encouragement and hope, that if we come to Him we shall have what we come for. Those who would come to Jesus, must come with nothing but what we have in our hands, we must free ourselves from every worry. God has given us limbs and senses, it is a shame, by being lazy, to make ourselves, in effect, blind and lame. Those who have spiritual eyesight, see the beauty in Jesus which creates a desire to follow after him.

Object Lesson - Survival Kit
Everyone needs a survival kit, one to remind them of things to be thankful for:
1. Toothpick - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others.
2. Rubber Band - to remind you to be flexible.
3. Plaster - to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else’s.
4. Pencil - To remind you to list your blessings everyday.
5. Eraser - to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it’s okay.
6. Chewing Gum - to remind you to stick with it.
7. Mint - to remind you to keep your praise fresh everyday.
8. Love Heart Sweet - to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday.

Lesson 8 “Unconditional Praise” ‘Walking and leaping’ (Acts 3)
Clip 26 & 27 ‘Memphis back in step’(4:14)‘Everybody dance now’(3:01)

Forgiveness is what makes us praise God with our all.
We must share our joy with others helping where we can and trying to help them to find forgiveness in Jesus.
In Jesus we are complete, our joy in praise and thanks in worship is our expression of that wholeness.

Mumble wants to see his dad but his dad is feeling very sad, he feels he has let his son down but Mumble forgives him and shows him how to dance. Then when the humans appear who leads the dance, Mumble and Memphis, love is the most powerful force on earth but it’s forgiveness that gives it strength. We have the power to set people free from what makes them sad but we have to teach them how to dance, how to praise. The apostles and the first believers attended the temple worship at the hours of prayer. Peter and John seem to have been led by God to work a miracle on a man above forty years old, who had been a cripple from his birth. Peter, in the name of Jesus, said to him rise up and walk. So, if we would attempt to show people God’s love, we must do so in the name and power of Jesus, helping the helpless to arise and walk in faith in Him. How sweet the thought that Jesus can make us whole! Because He forgives us we praise Him with joy because we can now enter God’s presence walking in God’s holy courts, with God the Spirit helping us to live as God desires by his strength!

Object Lesson - Bag of Rocks
Choose a child to stand beside you, get them to hold a bag, say ‘There was this kid who collected a rock every time someone or something made him mad or sad.’ Ask the kids to call out things that make them mad or sad every suggestion place a rock in the bag. Now ask what we can do to stop us being mad or sad every suggestion take away a rock. Emphasise that worship helps us to unburden us from bad feelings we harbour for others. So we must stop collecting rocks start collecting friends. Why should we make ourselves feel bad, there are plenty people and things every day trying to do that without us doing it as well. Put on your robes of righteousness and praise Jesus for what He has done. They are many, right now take a minute and think of ten things God has blessed you with. Let the praise of God be always on our lips.

Lazy Town

Sports Candy: Fruit of the Spirit

Lazy Town is one of those TV series that you either know of or don’t and if you do either love or hate. Personally I love it, although not remotely Christian, as far as I am aware it still tries to put across a message encouraging our kids to live right. Anyone trying to teach our kids a good lifestyle of health and activity has to be worth watching. In this series of teaching I have incorporated the fruits of the spirit with the concept of the programmes sports candy. Eat fruit live healthy, with us though it’s live right for God and see the fruit grow. The video selection is chosen from ‘Anyone can be a hero' DVD first episode but most episodes can be used as the message remains pretty constant throughout of being your best and doing your best, not being lazy.

Are You Letting Your Fruit of the Spirit get Squeezed?
It is very important to God that we develop the fruit of the spirit. Children who begin learning this at a young age are much farther ahead of their peers later in life. We should teach a child that he/she must learn how to 'walk in the fruit of the spirit' before God blesses them with an opportunity to use their spiritual gifts. God gives us all various gifts from the time we are born, however developing the fruit of the spirit takes time and practice. Children need to know especially in the beginning, they may not feel like exercising the fruit. Sometimes our emotions and feelings are pretty strong and our flesh wants to take over and control the spirit. Their fruits may get 'squeezed' as they are learning. Make sure to emphasize that this is a normal part of developing the fruit of the spirit and it works their spiritual muscles.

Memory Verse, Galatians 5:22,

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law"

Lesson One – Love, Peace and Joy
‘Parable of weeds and treasure’ Matthew 13: 24-29, 36-45

To show clearly His kingdom comes first in a hidden way.
Only the strong and gentle recognize and follow him.
True followers must be prepared to pay the ultimate price for doing so.

Video 3:01 – 6:06. One step at a time

Let me tell you the story of Harold, a great explorer. He had traveled for about 2 weeks through dense jungle. The bugs were eating him alive but he didn't care. He was looking for an exotic animal, the Rodentias Christianas mouse. This mouse is very rare but last week as he was crawling through the bushes on his hands and knees he came across this mouse. Here is a picture to share with you (show power point). He watched the mouse and before he knew it, the mouse was caught by a huge hairy lion. The lion looked really mean. He had huge pointy teeth. He growled ferociously. He thought ‘Oh, now the mouse is in trouble.’ The mouse began to plead with the lion.... Rodentias Christianas is a talking mouse by the way " Please, please Mr. Lion, let me go, I promise I'll repay you." The lion laughed... He said "what can a little mouse like you do for a big lion like me?" "Well", squeaked the mouse, "I promise I'll help you whenever I can." The lion fell into fits of laughter and let the mouse go. He continued to watch the mouse for about a week. During that time the mouse and the lion became friends. Then one night Harold was lying in his tent fast asleep when he was awakened by a huge roar. His sleeping bag shook and he sat straight up in bed. The lion was roaring and yelling for help. Harold grabbed his camera and ran toward the sound. There was the lion high up in a tree caught in a net. He was struggling and roaring. Suddenly, the little mouse appeared, the lion must have woke him up too. "Help", the lion yelled. "Little mouse, run and find some help. Please go get someone who can help me!" The mouse looked at the lion and said. "Don't worry, I can save you." The mouse then chewed a hole in the net and the lion was free. Wow Harold couldn't believe it. He ran over to the mouse to ask him why he would help a ferocious lion. The mouse explained... "I belong to a very special family of mice. We are Christian mice. Do you know what that means?", he asked. Harold said no. He explained that he had asked Jesus to live in his heart and Jesus taught him about real love. That kind of love is committed love it makes me do my best to love everyone even a big scary lion.

Object Lesson
The word worry is written on a piece of flash paper. The children are asked if they have any problems, concerns or worries. The teacher will explain that the Word of God is very powerful. It is something we can rely on in times of trouble. Light the flash paper with a match, it catches fire and disappears. The children are usually quite impressed and it is important to stress that that is how powerful God is. He can get rid of all of our worries. He can bring us peace.

Lesson Two - Patience and Kindness
‘The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant’ Matthew 18:21-35

Our Forgiveness Should Be Unlimited.
Jesus Is the Model for Forgiveness

Video 8:45 – 12:39 Super Hero training

Choose a volunteer, lay two coins in the palms of your hands like this - the positions are very important! Notice that the coin in your left hand is right in the middle of your palm. The coin in your right hand is near your thumb. In one quick motion, flip both hands over and slap them straight down onto the table. The coin in your right hand should get flicked across and under your left hand. The coin in your left hand should simply fall straight down Ask your audience where they think the coins are – they’ll probably guess there’s one under each hand. If you move your right pinkie finger a bit, people usually guess the coins are under your right hand – then you can reveal they are wrong! Reveal both coins under your left hand. If you repeat the trick, be quick! Try not to let anyone notice the positions of the coins. Now, can make the coins land under your right hand instead? Point out it’s just a magic trick and try to teach it, it may not work as it takes patience to learn things and as they practice they will get better, it’s the same when following Jesus we need to be patient with ourselves and others when they get things wrong, they’re like you just practicing the trick of living for Jesus.

Object Lesson

Scene 1: Two people enter. They both look happy and shake hands. They appear to be friends and are having a conversation. The tone of the conversation changes. The two look angry. One slaps the other. The one who was slapped apologizes. He appears to be sad. The other turns his back on the apologetic person and walks away.
Scene 2: Two different people enter. They also appear to be happy but they don't really know each other. They meet and engage in a conversation. A disagreement ensues and the two are in heated conversation. They seem to work things out. Shake hands and exit. Ask the audience which was an example of showing kindness to others.

Discuss who we should be kind to and how we can show kindness.

Lesson Three: Goodness and Faithfulness
Ruth the whole story

We should show concern and kindness toward a new person.
Looking at the kindness of Boaz to Ruth, we should consider the kindness of Jesus to us.
Faithfulness shuts and bolts the door, it helps us to resist the devil and forces him to flee.

Video 14:50 -17:35 step by step

Welcome to Sportacus Boot Camp. We are going to train all you wanna-be Heroes to be fruitful. I expect your complete attention at all times. I expect you to follow me exactly. All right let's see if you can respond to my actions. Do the first set of actions to music I'm not impressed, that wasn't good enough. If you want to be good Heroes, it has to be better than that! Let's try it again. Not bad. You make a pretty good class of Heroes. But I'm here to tell you about the last group of Heroes that come to the pirate academy. They seemed really good but that is only half the story. We were training a new bunch of Heroes. They had just joined the Hero Academy. I spent four months with them. We did sit ups, push ups and jumping jacks. I worked them really hard. You have to get them in shape! You have to straighten them up. They were really good. They were always polite. They listened, they answered and they obeyed. They were becoming a tough group of Heroes. But I didn't know that they weren't always being good. In fact they were horrible behind my back. Every time I wasn't around they changed. When I was there they were excellent but when I wasn't they weren't so good. One afternoon when it was really sunny I gave the new recruits some jobs to do. They all said "yes sir" and I expected them to do this. But they began to get sloppy I began talking to them. I asked them why they were getting sloppy. It was then that they confessed that they hadn't been practicing. They played games. They were good but only when I was watching. Being good isn't easy. Goodness is something God can give you. He can help you to be good all the time. When you talk to Jesus and you ask him to come and be your best friend, he will live in your heart. He will help you to show goodness.

Object lesson
Western music plays. A message is delivered by "Pony Express". It is written on brown paper and wrapped around a brick. When it is tossed onto the stage, the leader unwraps it and begins to read the letter. "Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful." 1 Corinthian 4:2. While the letter is being read a bandit sneaks up behind them. He is known as the "Memory Verse Bandit". After the verse is taught the Bandit steals it. The leader calls the sheriff (another volunteer). They post a reward sign for the Bandit and the Sheriff promises to be back next week to watch for the Bandit. This provides the leader with an opportunity to teach the importance of remembering verses, the importance of hiding them in our hearts. As we remember the Bible and put into action then God blesses you here on earth but also gives you treasure in heaven where no bandit can steal it.

Lesson Four: Gentleness and Self control
Clean and Unclean—Matthew 15: 1-28

Faith is keep on believing no matter what.
Show your Faith don’t let others put you off.

Video 19:00 – 22:22 Anyone can be a hero

This story to be read by a leader and acted out by the children.
Trail Blazing Tom was the most talented cowboy in all the west. He taught new cowboys to blaze a trail in less than a week. Cowboy Tom's had 3 new trainee Cowboys. They were going to learn how to ride through Bandit Canyon. All of the bandits and bank robbers hid refuge in this canyon. Tom gave each Cowboy instructions. He told them simply to get on their horses and not get off. He said ride straight through and most important, stay on the path. "Let me say that again", said Trail Blazing Tom, "what ever you do, stay on the path". All of the trainees nodded, they had heard the instructions and were going to stay on the path. They started out. The first Cowboy led the way, followed by the others. They rode slowly watching for trouble. Suddenly the second cowboy let out a scream. There was a gigantic rattle snake on the trail. The snake slithered away quickly so he continued to ride. Then he screamed again! IT was another large rattle snake. "That's it!", he cried, "I can't take this, I don't like snakes and I'm not going to ride on this path. I'm going to go another way." The others reminded him about what Tom said. He told them not to leave the path. He didn't care, he was too worried about snakes. So he rode off in another direction. The other two continued to ride. They came to a large river that went right across their path. It was impossible to get around this river. There were no bridges that they could see. The first Cowboy suggested they swam across. The third cowboy had just bought new cowboy boots, if he rode into the water or swam across, they would be ruined. He decided to find another path. The first cowboy reminded the second about staying on the right path but he didn't listen, he rode off. He waved back as he went to find a new way, one with a bridge. The first cowboy was determined to do the right thing. He crossed the river. He was soaked but he didn't care. He stayed on the right path. Later he rode into a small town on the other side of the canyon. He met Cowboy Tom there. He was the only one who arrived. Tom explained that it was good that he had self control and could listen to the instructions that path was the only way out of the canyon. The others were lost. The Bible, tells us of the way we are supposed to go. It tells how to behave and it helps us to follow the right path in our lives. That is very hard to do, we don't like to follow rules. It takes self control. We need to learn to follow God and to do what He wants. God can help us to have self control if we ask him

Object Lesson - "I Love Cookies"
The leader has a container with a chocolate chip cookie in it. Explain how wonderful cookies taste. They are so delicious. I have a severe egg allergy so I explained to the children that even though I absolutely love cookies, I can't eat them. I would have to go to the hospital. For this reason, I must always exercise self control. It is very difficult. This object lesson could be adapted for any food allergy or situation when self control must be exercised.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

The Lion King

  • Being Christ-Like - The Lion King

    I don’t know about you but when a new film comes out for children my first thoughts as I am watching it, apart from is the a classic film or a fly by night, are I could use that clip to teach the children this spiritual point or that spiritual point. But then again, I am a little weird, but with the Lion King the crossover to spiritual content not only jumped out at me but smacked me around the face, kicked me from behind and trod on my toes a few times. I have yet to see another film which can be so well adapted to the Christian philosophy as well as the Lion King. I am very sure it was not intended to be, correct me if you know different but it carries across the Christian message of hope, sacrifice and fulfilling your God given destiny as if it were written that way. When teaching this material give it respect, carry a feeling of ‘this will change your life forever’ get across to the children the aspect of how life changing they could be in others life’s as well as creating a desire to be more than what they presently are or even dreamt of becoming.

    Memory Verse, Matthew 16:16
    “Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

    Lesson 1: Christ As Messiah - Circle of Life – Matthew 16:13-20

  • Some people are too blind spiritually to Recognize who Jesus really is.
  • Even we cannot fully understand it though we must begin to try in order gain all He has for us.
  • Once we do then Jesus will reveal his glory more dramatically
  • Once we do then Jesus will reveal his glory more dramatically helping us to gain insight into our own potential.

    Fantastic opening to any movie when Simba is revealed to all and all bow down to him. Show this clip all the way through to show the ceremony, the respect and reverence given to Simba. Talk about how he may have been confused about all this, how he might not have fully understood the importance of this event in his life. Remind the children that this was not how Jesus was welcomed into the world, he was born in a barn, lived his life in obscurity and went about his mission not fully revealing His identity to any except a few, why? Surely if he had called down 10,000 angels who lifted Him up to His golden throne then everyone would have known. Well, God does things differently, and although there will be a time when all men and women will bow down to Him, He has a different plan. He wants you to know Him, yes as the King of kings and the Lord of lords but more importantly as a friend, He wants you to spend time finding out for yourself who He is, so when you do bow down it’s out of love, respect and honour, not out of fear.

    Object Lesson—Circle of Life—Get a large newspaper, Times, or a Sunday one, talk about how newspapers are full of bad news, people getting hurt, disasters etc. How are we going to stop this. Take a sheet from the paper and ask if they think you can cut a hole in this paper which will be big enough to fit everyone inside, they will mostly say no. If it is a large group you may already have chosen around 10 children to come up front, fold in half and cut the paper as picture above. This will make it huge, you can talk about how we need to include everyone, love people, help people, talk with, play with people as you are cutting, explain as we do this then we reveal Jesus to others, they can see Christ in us. Once the paper is cut show how large the hole is, get the kids to climb in if it is big enough get others to join you. NB you may wish to practise this before you do it because if it goes wrong then it goes horribly wrong (voice of experience). Explain we must include everyone in our lives that’s how the circle works and as we live for Jesus the effect we leave on people’s lives lasts on even after we are no longer here.

    Lesson 2: Sacrifice - Muphasa’s Death – Matthew 27:11-56

  • Jesus death fulfilled prophesies
  • Don’t let others make you feel unworthy
  • Jesus paid the full price of our sins
  • His sacrifice means we can fulfil our destiny

    Things don’t always work out like we expect, people don’t always live up to our expectations, they let us down. Sometimes it’s on purpose, sometimes, like Scar, it’s because they are trying to make you do the wrong thing. Sometimes bad things happen, sometimes they’re supposes too. Muphasa dying, in the long road, helped Simba become who he really is, at first he believed the lies Scar told him but later we see a different scar. Jesus was not surprised by any of the things that happened to Him, He knew He would be beaten and whipped and tormented and rejected. He knew He would die a horrible death and that even His Father would turn His face from Him. But it was worth it all because He also knew His Father would raise Him from the dead and that by paying this huge price for our sins He would fulfil God’s master plan. He bought back your destiny, sin takes it away. In sin you cannot be God’s friend, you cannot live in the way He intended and you cannot live eternally with God. Through His sacrifice the price is paid and your destiny fulfilled but only if you choose it. You must Accept you have sinned (done bad things), Believe that Jesus is God and died for you and Confess, ask Him to forgive you (say sorry and really mean it living you life to please Him for the rest of your life). Do this and He will help you fulfil your Destiny, believe in Him but equally important believe in yourself.

    Object Lesson– Crosses
    Explain all the different crosses
    1. Explain that you used to get crosses all the time like this in your jotter at school and it made you very happy because it showed how much the teacher loved you, the children will tell you no it means you were wrong. Act disappointed as if your illusion has been shattered.
    2. Explain about the treasure map and how it leads you to hidden treasure, the cross marks the spot.
    3. Explain how ballot papers work and how the cross marks your decision.
    4. Talk about kisses act confused because the children told you that this cross meant you were wrong, they should tell you that this time it means love. So, crosses can mean different things at different times.
    5. Explain the cross of Jesus means all the above, it shows we have done wrong but we are God’s treasure which found when He died and if we decide to follow Him He will show His love to us and we will learn to love Him.

    Lesson 3: Resurrection - Simba Battles Scar – Matthew 27:57 – 28:20

  • We no longer need to fear death
  • Jesus actually died but now He is alive
  • The children need to see this for themselves
  • Go and tell everyone the good news

    Scar had betrayed Muphasa, Simba and all of the animals. He had handed over the pride land to the hyenas who just ravaged and used the land of plenty for there own use and left it barren and like a desert. He thought he had got rid of his competition, Simba, but Simba had realised he had been mislead and had come back to reclaim what was really his what had been stolen by lies and sin. As for Scar, his fate was sealed, Simba would over power him and throw him into the pit where he would get his reward. We are God’s prize the devil would like us to believe we are not, he would like us to be barren and like a desert in our hearts. He will tell you lies about yourself, about what you can do about how God feels about you but Jesus, when He died was just like Simba, He confronted the devil calling him a liar, the father of lies. He fought for you in the grave and won your right to eternal life, He threw the devil into the pit and he will get his just reward. But you can be sure that if you trust in Jesus, then you will have a place in Heaven, He has won it for you and He will turn your life from one hopelessness to one of hope, through Him you will find and fulfil your destiny.

    Object Lesson—Bag of Seeds
    Open up a bag of seeds nice big ones are good, sunflower seeds if you like explain that these are especially designed to do a job but before they can do this job they need to be planted. Keep it in the bag and it won’t do anything it will be dead, but plant it in the ground and suddenly it comes to life, it sprouts and grows a flower. It’s the same with you, if you want to fulfil your destiny you must plant yourself in the grounding of Jesus, grow in the knowledge of God, flourish in His love and grace and mercy. Grow into the person God want you to be.

    Lesson 4: – Holy Spirit In Us - Simba’s Reflection – Acts 2

  • The Holy Spirit brings power, fire and wind
  • He transforms those who trust him into bold and dynamic people of God

    Simba doubts himself, he has let everyone down but he hears the news his father is not dead? He follows the crazy monkey fighting through the undergrowth and find only a reflection of himself, but is it? No says the monkey, your father is alive in you, Muphasa tells his son he is more than he has become, it’s time to become who you are meant to be. He reels from the stick being hit on his head, it does not matter says the monkey it’s in the past, yes but it still hurts says Simba, so says the monkey you can run away or learn from it. What are you going to do
    Peter and the disciples had all made mistakes they had denied Jesus, had hidden in fear and were still doing so even though they had saw Him alive and risen. Then something amazing happens, wind and fire fall upon them, they realize truly for the first time, Jesus is not dead. He is alive in them, they are filled with the Holy Spirit, they learn from their mistakes and go out transformed telling everyone the good news and a miracle everyone understands, even those from far away places. Whatever mistakes you have made or will make don’t let them stop you, don’t run away but learn from them. Step out in faith for God, let people see who you are you are His child. God’s own with value and worth and a destiny to live.

    Object Lesson—Eruption
    Place 4 teaspoons of baking powder in a small glass. Mix vinegar with red food colouring. Explain the glass represents them, the baking powder represents the Holy Spirit and the vinegar represents the blood Christ shed for us. Pour the vinegar mixture onto the baking powder, and stand back! Watch as the lava spills out of the glass. Make sure you conduct this over a basin. For extra effect try adding a few drops of washing up liquid to the vinegar. Explain that unless we ask for God’s forgiveness and allow Jesus to be our friend we cannot live as God has planned for us but because Jesus shed His blood and sent the Holy Spirit then we can be filled with power, power to do what He asks, power to be the person He meant us to be. Someone who will change the world around us.

    Lesson 5: Certain Hope - No Worries – Acts 3:1-11

  • We often ask God to solve small problems but He wants to give us so much more.
  • You may ask God for what you want but He may give you what you need instead.
  • The Apostles did this through the power of the Holy Spirit not their own power.

    Hakuna Mutata it means no worries, God doesn’t want us to worry, He wants us to have a full and productive life, He also wants you to have fun but where Timon and Pumba get it wrong is that fun without responsibility is meaningless, it means no worries but not no cares. God so much cares for us and wants us to care for others just the same, yes, lets have a fun life, He gives us joy but we must do it with care. We have the power of the Holy Spirit to do the wonders of God but not to be wasted or used for our own selfish reasons but to do God’s free will.
    The lame man was positioned right at the door of the temple where everyone would see him when going to prayer and was probably there every day, he might even have been there when Jesus passed through the same gate. Why did he not get healed then because things happen in God’s good time. He only saw his small need, money to buy food, but that day God had so much more to give him. He went on to praise God and everyone who knew him where in awe of God’s power. We must always thank people who help us but always thank God for what He has done.

    Object Lesson—Who Cares?
    Have a whiteboard or flipchart and lead a discussion with the children about who cares.
    Talk about who needs care, children, poor, sick etc writing their answers on the board.
    Talk about who cares for these people, doctors, police etc again writing it on the board.
    Talk about the bigger problems in the world and who cares about these things who helps to solve these problems.
    Talk about what the children care about get them to give actual every day examples of things they do to show how they care.

    Jesus will be mentioned quite often as someone who cares try to get across early that is taken as read, you want ordinary everyday examples. Get the kids to see they are already making a difference in their world but encourage them that they can do so much more with the power of God.